Safety Policy

KADEVI's Business Policy is ensuring 'SAFETY, HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION'. Utmost priority is given to the Safety of the employees, equipment and the public at large.

The Policy broadly embodies the following:

  1. KADEVI shall take all steps and every possible care to prevent incidents which may result in personal injury, property damage, hindering health and well-being of the employees besides impact on the environment. Towards this end each member of Management and Supervisory staff shall accept responsibility.
  2. Any unsafe condition/practice that may result in an accident shall be avoided thereby eliminating hazards by following sound engineering and maintenance practices.
  3. All activities, constructions, etc. shall be taken up only within this Policy.
  4. All employees and contractors working for KADEVI shall undertake to comply with all the Safety, Health and Environmental policies, rules, regulations and applicable Statutes.
  5. Management systems and operating procedures shall be in conformity with this policy and adequate resources shall be allocated to ensure hazard-free work environment.
  6. Identification, evaluation and control of work/process related hazards shall be a continuous process.
  7. Compliance to all the applicable legal and other requirements.
  8. All employees shall be suitably educated on the essentials of Safety, Health, Well-being and Environmental protection.
  9. The Managerial/Supervisory Staff shall be trained on Safety, Health and Environmental protection related issues on a regular basis.
  10. KADEVI recognizes that SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENIVRONMENTAL PROTECTION shall make good business sense and improve productivity and employee morale.
  11. Divisions/Sections following good safety practices shall be identified and notified from time to time to develop a sense of competition.
  12. Dedicated Teams would be formed to monitor implementation of the Safety Policy.
  13. Clean technologies & waste minimization shall remain TOP PRIORITY and an on-going exercise.